
Showing posts from July, 2020

THM: Blog Room Writeup

Here is the link of this great room:  Blog by Nameless0ne . L et's start guys.. Enumeration First I ran the nmap scan: 1.First lets check out the Blog itself running on the port 80. From little enumeration we can say that this is a simple blog running on the Wordpress. 2. The blog contains a single post by a user named Karen Wheeler for Billy joel. 3. To enumerate the users on the blog I will be using WPscan.           wpscan --url blog.thm -e u This command will list all the users on the Blog, bjoel & kwheel. 4. Let's try to find out the password of these users using the same tool again.          wpscan -U username --password <pass file> -t 30 --password-attack wp-login --url blog.thm 5. Try to run your own command. It won't take long before the password pops. (hint: try Mom name) 6. After login into the wordpress I saw the user had very limited capabilities so there must be some other way to the shell or some k...