SneakyMailer writeup | HackTheBox | by DarkRider88

 Starting with NMAP scan:

nmap -sV -Pn -A your-ip-address

Checking the website I got a lot of emails and since the box name is SneakyMailer I think that will be useful. Hence I used CEWL to scrap all the emails from the website.

$ cewl -d 5 -e --email_file emails.txt http://sneakycorp.htb/ 

After that I started to look for valid emails , we can do this by VRFY command of SMTP and also there are many tools to do it like iSMTP, metasploit module smtp_enum.
But at this point for me none of them worked so I thought may be here it is something related to phishing attack... like there must be some bot in the backend which may click on any link provided in the email but question is which email. Here I made a simple script to send mail to each them with a link to my listening socket.

First let me show you how to do this manually.. but it is time taking
getting reverse shell

Now automatic:
python script to automatically send emails to smtp server

And from the script we got password in response. Now I think I need to view all the emails sent or received by this user and for this I will be using Evolution email client.

Add the Paul's account and do the required settings and in the sent items folder you will two emails and one of them contains credential to the ftp account.
how to use evolution email client to access smtp server

FTP and Foothold:

connecting to ftp to enumerate it

At first I dumped all the data to find if there was something but I found nothing. But after searching I found out that there was another domain dev.sneakycorp.htb on the server and its file was hosted from this ftp server. So what we can do here is that we should upload a php reverse shell on this ftp and then access it from dev.sneakycorp.htb/shell.php to get the reverse shell.

User flag:

After some enumeration I found out there was another domain pypi.sneakycorp.htb:8080
but this domain requires authentication but it is simple as we can access /var/www/pypi.sneakycorp.htb/.htpasswd there we can find the password hash and crack it using Rockyou.txt

Also the same server is runninng on localhost:5000 
command to check running port on localhost

So I am going to create a python package and upload it on the pypi server. This python package will try to add our Public key to the authorized_keys of the Low user so that we could connect with our ssh as Low. 

To genereate the ssh key use:

$ ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t ed25519 -f key

So first create the and .pypirc files.
how to create for python package

Paste the content which you have generated in the above script

and .pypirc will include: 

index-servers = local

username: pypi
password: soufianeelhaoui

Now, transfer both of these files to a folder on the victim machine and enter the following commands 
Here we are going to change HOME environment so that .pypirc could be executed from our directory and not from the Low's dir.

connecting to ssh

Privilege Escalation:

Umm.. This is the easy part.. type sudo -l and we see that the user can run pip3 as root, time for GTFObins.

exploit pip3 to gain root access

And I'm in!
                                                -by  DarkRider88


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