GamingServer | TryHackMe | by Valerie23
LINK TO THE ROOM: GamingServer NMAP SCAN Let’s do nmap first and see what do we get. nmap -Pn -sV The results come back showing : Port 22 & 80. Since we don't have any credentials lets enumerate port 80 first. GOBUSTER Lets fireup a gobuster scan for finding hidden directories. gobuster dir -u -w /usr/share/wordlists/dirb/common.txt -t 50 WEB ANALYSIS Visiting port 80. And checking its source code gives us a username. Lets visit some of the interesting directories that we found earlier from gobuster scan. /uploads It has a dictionary list that looks like a list of passwords. So we will just copy and paste the content into a new file. And now we are going to visit another directory /secret to find the secrets. Looks like a ssh key but encrypted. In order to decrypt the ssh key we first need to copy and paste it into a file then find its password. Used commands: locate ssh2john /usr/share/john/ sshkey > key_hash Now the fil...